Hello there
It’s hard to believe that summer is coming. It has been such a cool spring. Looks like rain clouds almost everyday. We know here in the bay area that this overcast keeps us cool quite a bit during the warm months but when the overcast disappears and the sun pops out it will get hot quick, That is when we rely on our Air Conditioning systems to help us out. This is a great time to look at your filter and most importantly turn on your AC unit. You don’t want to wait until that first heatwave. We offer a special on our maintenance for your furnace and AC unit and remember that the PG&E rebates are still going. Energy Upgrade CA has been running the current program and it has some real savings out there for people that want to stop spending and start saving. It is better to invest in high efficiency equipment than give your money to PG&E. Also a lighter footprint on this world helps all of us. Have a great day!